Straightforward and Huffington Post

I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing mentors over the years and all of them have pretty much said the same thing, “Lane, always be ready.”

Last week I experienced this first hand when my article in the Huffington Post that went live before I could actually think about it!  An email alerted me that Nancy Redd wanted to interview me for her show the next day, of course I’m saying yes!  Was I ready, sure.  I mean, hell Yes!  Are you ready when a fun, cool moment comes to your life?  What do you do to prepare for the unexpected situation?  

I would love to hear what you think about planning and how you plan for things, or are you like me and wing it with a lot of faith!?  Can’t wait to hear from you!  

Here are my top three tips to being on air:

1) Make sure your hair is done and you look good, whatever that means to you.  

2) Always start the conversation with THANK YOU for having me.

3) Write out some notes on relevant ideas you want to express and have them in front of you when speaking.

Want to start living a Straightforward Life from the boardroom to the bedroom?  Join me on the upcoming 19 Day Straightforward Challenge!  It’s time to be seen, heard and never forgotten!